Friday 5 June 2009

Indians also hate Indian call centres

They started off as just about tolerable, but now, even as a tolerant, calm Indian, they are getting on my nerves.

I can excuse the fake John Smith, his manager who is also coincidentally named John Smith, both obviously having completely Indian accents (or futile attempts at American ones). I can be happy when pointing out the complete uselessness of the 'power saving device' they are trying to sell to me (obviously accompanied with completely unprofessional websites / emails / 'information leaflet' = Word file with one paragraph of nonsense in attempted English.)

But today, a lady calls me, and says in a totally Indian accent with added emphasis, "how are you GENTLEMAN". WTF?! This is letting our country down!


Karn said...


I know. One sympathizes with the pissed Americans

Sam said...

Hi Dev - again, long time no see!

I agree man, call centres suck. You know what sucks worse? The Bollywood movie based on a call centre called 'Hello'. Man, I hated that movie.

You posted on my Indian blog a while back, so I thought I'd send you the address for the new one, as I'm moving to Geneva, Switzerland.


Anonymous said...

I sympathize with all frustrated americans. Accent doesn't really matter.
Enjoy a completely cool internet tv