Sunday 29 December 2013

Beginning of the wedding experiment / battle

It's a well known planning a wedding is no easy affair. But somehow I feel that the differences in tastes, wealth, outlook, cultures that I am experiencing from various stakeholders as a global desi with a global desi wife to be are making it a little harder. And I'm sure I haven't listed out all the differences. This is by far the biggest challenge I have faced in my life. 

As a small town boy from a simple background growing up in one of the world's greatest capital cities, tastes change. However, this cannot be said of one's parents in the same scenario because they haven't grown up here and are still measuring things in rupee value despite earning in pounds. But they do have a major say in my wedding unless I'm to disown them. Result: differences on top of the generational gap which results in heated arguments over every decision to be made in process - of which there are lots ! 

Add to this the spouse's side which is from a different culture and hails from the land of luxury - Dubai. 

Luckily the bride, the groom and their respective parents have some common values which I will hope will bring us through this entire process.